Vendula Horčičková
Trainer (CZ, ENG)Vendula came to Humancraft from gastronomy. She worked as an internal HR and was involved in the development and training of people as well. She is mainly interested in effective team communication, team cohesion, feedback strategies and conflict resolution. She likes people and is pleased to develop them. Balancing multiple projects is quite characteristic of her. Whether it was a career as an orienteer alongside working in HR in the past, or being a trainer in Humancraft and a freelance sports psychologist right now. It is important for her to see meaning and benefit for clients in her work. She works with enthusiasm and passion, as sports has taught her.
Vendula loves movement of all kinds, preferably outside in nature. She grew up in many differrent sports, but over time orienteering won her heart. She spent over fifteen years in the national team and even now you can most often meet her on weekends at competitions with her friends. Orienteering is a lifestyle, in short. It instilled in her love and respect for nature and people. It also taught her that nothing is instant and patient work leads to set goals.
She loves Scandinavian countries, which is probably also related to orinteering. She learns Swedish, relaxes in nature and likes autumn the most. She happily sets out to discover new places, tastes and people's stories while traveling. The list is endless, there are many beautiful places on earth, so she is waiting to see what comes her way.